Gallery Artista: Stephen Wood

Gallery Artista: Stephen Wood

Attenzione, di seguito alcuni contenuti adatti solo ad un pubblico MATURO, per cui ragazzi se non avete compiuto 18 anni (o se potreste trovare offensive delle scene di nudo) siete pregati di lasciare la pagina.

2018: "Oath of the Heretic: A Paladin Path"

Cover "Oath of the Heretic", esempi di paladini eretici: mezzorco, tabaxi e firbolg - by Stephen Wood

"Dragon Metamorphosis" - by Stephen Wood

Duergar paladino eretico - by Stephen Wood

Coboldo paladino eretico - by Stephen Wood

2018: "Angler: a Ranger's Path"

Copertina - by Stephen Wood

"Abyssal Drowner" - by Stephen Wood

"Copper Fin" - by Stephen Wood

"Deep Stalker" - by Stephen Wood

"Fey Gar" - by Stephen Wood

"Gorgon Eel" - by Stephen Wood

"Hull Breaker" - by Stephen Wood

"Lune Eater" - by Stephen Wood

Ranger e lune eater - by Stephen Wood

"Mer Eye" - by Stephen Wood

"Merrow Wolf" - by Stephen Wood

"River Wurm" - by Stephen Wood

A pesca di wurm - by Stephen Wood

2017: Mixy’s Planar Notes Vol. 1 - Guide to Planar Creatures and Oddities

Cover, "Mixy’s Planar Notes ", il pg gnomesco dell'autore - by Stephen Wood

"Acheron Devourer (larval form)" - by Stephen Wood

"Acheron Devourer" Work in Progress - by Stephen Wood

"Acheron Devourer", l'infido divoratore acheroniano - by Stephen Wood

"Astral Lurker" - by Stephen Wood

"Bytopian Tiger Wyrm" Work in Progress - by Stephen Wood

"Bytopian Tiger Wyrm", il dragone tigrato bytopiano - by Stephen Wood

"Fiendish Judge" dai Nove Inferi - by Stephen Wood

"Fungal Lord" di Zuggtmoy, direttamente dagli strati abissali - by Stephen Wood

"Gurgling", un tempo goblin, ora demoni nello strato del Grandioso Abisso - by Stephen Wood

"Harmonium Champion", costrutto creato dagli gnomi armonici di Bytopia- by Stephen Wood

"Hulker's Eye", la spycam dei maghi planari - by Stephen Wood

"Infernal Boar", in realtà il conghiale "infernale" lo si trova nell'Abisso… - by Stephen Wood

"Krakel'kuu", strana specie di primati bicefali delle Terre Bestiali - by Stephen Wood

"Lightning Beetle", lo scarabeo folgorante, piaga delle Terre Esterne - by Stephen Wood

"Maiden of Malkizid", le vergini elfiche mutate dai poteri delle Distese Grigie - by Stephen Wood

"Modron Berserker", le pattuglie difensive modron su Acheron - by Stephen Wood

"Platinum Kobold", i koboldi supplicantidel reame di Bahamut su Celestia - by Stephen Wood

2016: Countess' Guide: Beasts and Blights (October Monsterween Manual)

Cover, "The Countess' Guide", originariamente un progetto in occasione della nuova riapparsa dell'ambientazione di Ravenloft - by Stephen Wood

"Baator Wasp", scout e schermagliatori della Guerra Sanguinosa - by Stephen Wood

"Deep Troll" - by Stephen Wood

"Fanged Slime" - by Stephen Wood

"Flame Sprite" dal Piano del Fuoco - by Stephen Wood

"Gluba" dal Piano del Fuoco - by Stephen Wood

"Grand Mephit" - by Stephen Wood

"Goblin Drake" - by Stephen Wood

"Iron Knight" - by Stephen Wood

"Kavo'vassa" - by Stephen Wood

"Observer" construct - by Stephen Wood

"Popper" undead - by Stephen Wood

"Rot Maiden", drow servitrici di Zuggtmoy - by Stephen Wood

"Stalker" dall'etereo - by Stephen Wood

"Sul'Lina", elementali dell'aria - by Stephen Wood

"Tide King" - by Stephen Wood

"Tree Blight" - by Stephen Wood

"Uunka" - by Stephen Wood

Alcune pubblicazioni per la PAIZO

"Planetar, Glabrezu" - by Stephen Wood

"Elosha Stargleam", fleshwarped elf - by Stephen Wood

"Gnome, Halfling, Dwarf" - by Stephen Wood

"Kryskith" il lich - by Stephen Wood

"Argonaut", gnomo e nano - by Stephen Wood

"Tempest Tossed", mezzorchessa e uomo bestia - by Stephen Wood

"Vile Whispers" - by Stephen Wood

"Alchemist" - by Stephen Wood

Altri lavori e schizzi a tema D&D

Tabaxi ladro ranger multiclasse, Inktober - by Stephen Wood

Warforged psionicista paladino multiclasse, Inktober - by Stephen Wood

Gnomo barbaro stregone multiclasse, Inktober - by Stephen Wood

Mezzelfo mago guerriero multiclasse, Inktober - by Stephen Wood

"Dragonborn hunter from Ravenloft" da Critical Role - by Stephen Wood

Schizzo elfa - by Stephen Wood

Monaco firbolg - by Stephen Wood

Mixy la warlock - by Stephen Wood

Coboldo artificiere - by Stephen Wood

Coboldo druido - by Stephen Wood

Coboldo tiratore - by Stephen Wood

Tortle ladro - by Stephen Wood

Caduceus il firbolg da Critical Role - by Stephen Wood

Jester la tiefling da Critical Role - by Stephen Wood

Caleb da Critical Role - by Stephen Wood

"Abyssal Kiss" della succube, solo illustrazione - by Stephen Wood

"Abyssal Kiss" scheda abilità - by Stephen Wood

"Happy Holidays" mimic - by Stephen Wood

Shadowling Demon - by Stephen Wood

Maiden of Woe Demon - by Stephen Wood

Leaper Demon - by Stephen Wood

"Arcana Cat" Inktober - by Stephen Wood

"Arcane Skeleton" Inktober - by Stephen Wood

"Axe Demon" Inktober - by Stephen Wood

"Barbel Fin" Inktober - by Stephen Wood

"Bull Croaker" Inktober - by Stephen Wood

"Clockwork Guard" Inktober - by Stephen Wood

"Corrupted Stump" Inktober - by Stephen Wood

"Darter Sprite" Inktober - by Stephen Wood

"Deep Mind" Inktober - by Stephen Wood

"Dwarf Kobold" Inktober - by Stephen Wood

"Electric Drake" Inktober - by Stephen Wood

"Emperor Crab" Inktober - by Stephen Wood

"Giorc Half-giant" Inktober - by Stephen Wood

"Gobbler" Inktober - by Stephen Wood

"Grinner Undead" Inktober - by Stephen Wood

"Horned Salamander" Inktober - by Stephen Wood

"Leaper Yugoloth" Inktober - by Stephen Wood

"Macer-Fungi" Inktober - by Stephen Wood

"Mantis Ant" Inktober - by Stephen Wood

"Minor Arcane Elemental" Inktober - by Stephen Wood

"Morning Star" Inktober - by Stephen Wood

"Puguilist Crab" Inktober - by Stephen Wood

"Shadowling Devil" Inktober - by Stephen Wood

"Wandering Maw" Inktober - by Stephen Wood

"Worg Fly" Inktober - by Stephen Wood

Ritratti firbolg - by Stephen Wood

Ritratti gnomi - by Stephen Wood

Ritratti nani - by Stephen Wood

Jester la tiefling BW da Critical Role - by Stephen Wood

Natt la goblin da Critical Role - by Stephen Wood

Darter sprite schizzo - by Stephen Wood

Buckle Silverton, gnomo pg - by Stephen Wood

Tipologie di coboldi, schizzo - by Stephen Wood

"Fiend" promo - by Stephen Wood

Ladro pixie - by Stephen Wood

Bardo pixie - by Stephen Wood

Bardo coboldo, ritratto - by Stephen Wood

Coboldo psionicista, ritratto - by Stephen Wood

Coboldo monaco, ritratto - by Stephen Wood

Coboldo barbaro, ritratto - by Stephen Wood

Coboldo paladino, ritratto - by Stephen Wood

Coboldo chierico, ritratto - by Stephen Wood

Coboldo stregone, ritratto - by Stephen Wood

Coboldo mago, ritratto - by Stephen Wood

Coboldo ranger, ritratto - by Stephen Wood

Coboldo guerriero, ritratto - by Stephen Wood

Coboldo ladro, ritratto - by Stephen Wood

Coboldo druido, ritratto - by Stephen Wood

Coboldo fattucchiere, ritratto - by Stephen Wood

Pirata dragonide, commissione - by Stephen Wood

Party, commissione - by Stephen Wood

Goblin sciamano, schizzo - by Stephen Wood

"Tiefling Project" - by Stephen Wood

"Tiefling Project", comparazione - by Stephen Wood

"Tiefling Project", schizzo - by Stephen Wood

"Tiefling Project", schizzo - by Stephen Wood

Arkhan il Crudele, dragonide - by Stephen Wood

Differenti goblin, schizzo - by Stephen Wood

Nani contro goblin, schizzo - by Stephen Wood

Drago, schizzo - by Stephen Wood

Duergar, schizzo - by Stephen Wood

Elfo, schizzo - by Stephen Wood

Elfo, schizzo - by Stephen Wood

umana, nana, gnoma, elfa, mezzorca - by Stephen Wood

Sketchtober, firebats sketch - by Stephen Wood

Sketchtober, Tanis sketch direttamente da Dragonlance - by Stephen Wood

Sketchtober, "Clericquintet" sketch - by Stephen Wood

Sketchtober, skeletri e gnomo sketch - by Stephen Wood

Sketchtober, goblin sketch - by Stephen Wood

Tiefling bodies practice - by Stephen Wood

Kobolds adventure, schizzo per illustrazione - by Stephen Wood

Coboldi, schizzo per illustrazione - by Stephen Wood

Tiefling portrait sketch - by Stephen Wood

Quickling (o grig?) sketch - by Stephen Wood

Elf monk/druid sketch - by Stephen Wood

Dwarf ranger sketch - by Stephen Wood

Tabaxi PC sketch - by Stephen Wood

Kobold Druid Portrait - by Stephen Wood

Kobold PC Portraits warmup 2 - by Stephen Wood

Kobold PC Portraits warmup - by Stephen Wood

Kobold Blackscale Paladin PG - by Stephen Wood

Sketch portrait del coboldo paladino - by Stephen Wood

Kobold Blackscale Paladin, primo schizzo del PG - by Stephen Wood

Lady of Pain - by Stephen Wood

"Vax'ildan", backstab ai goblin, da "Critical Role" - by Stephen Wood

"Grog Strongjaw" e qualche sanguisuga gigante, il goliath da "Critical Role" - by Stephen Wood

"Grog Strongjaw" Work in Progress - by Stephen Wood

"Vex'ahlia and her companion Trinket", da "Critical Role" - by Stephen Wood

"Toril Goblin" warmup - by Stephen Wood

"Toril Goblin" detail - by Stephen Wood

"Pike Trickfoot" alle prese con i non-morti, la gnomessa da "Critical Role" - by Stephen Wood

"Centaur" - by Stephen Wood

"Wood Sprite" fey - by Stephen Wood

"Halfling Halfdragon Barbarian" PG - by Stephen Wood

"Anduil Stonebreaker", PG duergar - by Stephen Wood

"Half-orc sketch" - by Stephen Wood

"Elf sketch" - by Stephen Wood

"Hobgoblin Conceptual" - by Stephen Wood

"Gnome", dalle nebbie di Ravenloft - by Stephen Wood

"Gnome", dettaglio - by Stephen Wood

"Beholder" - by Stephen Wood

"Pit Fiend" - by Stephen Wood

"Pit Fiend" Work in Progress - by Stephen Wood

"Succubus" - by Stephen Wood

"Succubus" detail - by Stephen Wood

"Slithering Character" ratfolk/beastman - by Stephen Wood

"Mantacor Character", Catfolk/Beastman - by Stephen Wood

"Argos", per la serie "AD&D Monster Project" - by Stephen Wood

"Arcane", per la serie "AD&D Monster Project" - by Stephen Wood

"Ankheg" versione 2, per la serie "AD&D Monster Project" - by Stephen Wood

"Ankheg" update, per la serie "AD&D Monster Project" - by Stephen Wood

"Ankheg" versione 1, per la serie "AD&D Monster Project" - by Stephen Wood

"Aboleth", per la serie "AD&D Monster Project" - by Stephen Wood

"Aarakocra", per la serie "AD&D Monster Project" - by Stephen Wood

"Orc" redo - by Stephen Wood

"Race Lineup" - by Stephen Wood

"Catfolk/Beastman", dettaglio da "Race Lineup" - by Stephen Wood

"Dwarf", dettaglio da "Race Lineup" - by Stephen Wood

"Elf", dettaglio da "Race Lineup" - by Stephen Wood

"Dwarf", dettaglio da "Race Lineup" - by Stephen Wood

"Half-orc", dettaglio da "Race Lineup" - by Stephen Wood

"Tiefling", dettaglio da "Race Lineup" - by Stephen Wood

"Gnoll" - by Stephen Wood

"Drizzt Do'Urden" - by Stephen Wood

"Drizzt Do'Urden", dettaglio - by Stephen Wood

"Half-orc portrait" - by Stephen Wood

"Tiefling, classic Planescape" - by Stephen Wood

"Hell Hound" - by Stephen Wood

"Dwarf Fighter" - by Stephen Wood

"Goblin Sketch" - by Stephen Wood

"Goblin Thief" - by Stephen Wood

"Demon Scout" - by Stephen Wood

"Ishani Silversun, Mage of Seven Stars" - by Stephen Wood

"Goblin Mana Engineer" - by Stephen Wood

"Necromancer" drow - by Stephen Wood

"Unlikely Heroes", mezzorco, tiefling e coboldo, eroi improbabili - by Stephen Wood

"Kobold Dragon Knight" su scorpione gigante, commissione - by Stephen Wood

"Goblin" - by Stephen Wood

"Goblin" Work in Progress- by Stephen Wood

"Shee'na, Goblin Rogue" - by Stephen Wood

"Xerxis The Wretched", elfo vittima di un incidente di magia, per la serie "Villain of the Month" - by Stephen Wood

"Raijin", più mitologia che D&D, ma lo stesso… - by Stephen Wood

"Githyanki" - by Stephen Wood

"Beholder" - by Stephen Wood

"Drow", dettaglio di un progetto - by Stephen Wood

"Dragon Trophy" - by Stephen Wood

"The Golden Widow" drow, dal progetto "Villain of the Month" - by Stephen Wood

"Underdark Ranger" drow - by Stephen Wood

"Giantess" - by Stephen Wood

"01 - Harpy", per la "30 monster girl challenge" - by Stephen Wood

"March of the Undead", lich, zombi e compagnia bella - by Stephen Wood

"Dwarf Cleric" - by Stephen Wood

"Fire Breath" tiefling - by Stephen Wood

"Jungle Warrior" lucertoloide tipo salamandra - by Stephen Wood

"Kobold Knight" - by Stephen Wood

"Fey" grig - by Stephen Wood

"Goblinoid Attack" - by Stephen Wood

"Dragon Head" - by Stephen Wood

"Frost Giant Rogue" - by Stephen Wood

"Halfling Hunter" con tasso - by Stephen Wood

"Dungeon Delve", elfo drow e mezzorco - by Stephen Wood

"Orc Shaman" - by Stephen Wood

"Goblin" - by Stephen Wood

"Mage" con il suo gatto etereo - by Stephen Wood

"Belwar Dissengulp, Most Honorable Burrow Warden" - by Stephen Wood

"Adventuress" - by Stephen Wood

(IMPORTANTE! POLICY: Gran parte del testo è liberamente tratto e in parte adattato dalle fonti citate e comunque dalle pubblicazioni Dungeons & Dragons della TSR e della Wizards of the Coast, nonchè dalle traduzioni ufficiali della 25 Edition, oltre ad altre fonti come le pubblicazioni della PAIZO Publishing per Pathfinder, che mantengono i diritti, intellettuali e non, sull'ambientazione e i suoi elementi. Allo stesso modo tutte le immagini sono coperte da copyright e vengono presentate senza alcuno scopo di lucro, corredate di autore e proprietario, e pertanto non sono riproducibili o utilizzabili in nessun ambito commerciale.)

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