Gallery Artista: Austin "Zal" Forbes (Zal-Cryptid)

Gallery Artista: Austin "Zal" Forbes (Zal-Cryptid)


Pho Cho, halfling lightfoot - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

Nysnera, nanessa delle colline - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

duergar blood hunter - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

Goblin, art trade - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

Tiefling, exchange-art - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

Rhalysse, elfa dei boschi - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

Baba Zevakri, il quori Vakri e il drago Zmei - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"The Great Wheel of Creation" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Beneath the Ebony Sun", un possibile quarto capitolo delle avventure di Kip su Dark Sun - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Midnight Dreary", featuring Strahd, Columba e il buon Kip, un terzo capitolo dopo Painscape - by Austin "Zal" Forbes


"Birds of a feather flock together", un bello stormo di aasimar - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"The Festive Nein", auguri a tema Critical Role-The Mighty Nein - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Zmei Jedzanych", in forma umana - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Zmei Jedzanych", drago figlia adottiva di Baba Zevakri - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Lizard Man" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Baba Noxy, night hag" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Kalashtar cleric, Cotera" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Primal Paths" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Columba backstory" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Welcome to Barovia", cover - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Baba Zevakri", kalashtar - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Vakri", spirito quori di Baba - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Baba Zevakri", kalashtar - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Shae, elf arcane trickster" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Zialei, aasimar paladin" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Paisely, high elf" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Sexy Warforged" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Lawful, tiefling" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Lilac, tiefling" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Vailoom, vampire fighter" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Warforged Bard" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"CRUMBLE", storie brevi di GDR - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Faerie" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Redcap" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Brownie" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Shammer the Leprechaun" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Maebh", firbolg - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Dexamene", ninfa - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Amatheia", sirena - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Smash", mezzorchessa - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Nena", gnomo - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Columba Magica", l'aarakocra - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Squirt Cherrycharm" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Cheshire Wunders", tabaxi - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Kaidan", tiefling - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Nott", fanart di Critical Role - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Beauregard", fanart di Critical Role - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Yasha", l'aasimar - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Caleb & Frumpkin", fanart di Critical Role - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Jester", fanart di Critical Role - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Taako Taaco", fanart di The Balance Arc - by Austin "Zal" Forbes


"Is this a pigeon?" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Elder Luhlu & Varlha, The Vistani Siblings" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"-Varlha The Dream Shepherd" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Mollianna" fusione di Molly la drow e Orianna la tiefling - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"The Nightmares of The Eldritch Manor", feat. drider, quaggoth, mummie, meduse, vampiri, e molto altro… - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"The Eldritch Manor" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"The Eldritch Manor: a Halloween Mystery" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"The Eldritch Manor: Boo", fantasma halfling - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Celeste", halfling - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Torianna", gnomo - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Hotaru Hasegawa" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Norville", tiefling - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Duir", ninfa - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Pork Souvlaki" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"S.S. Valcartier Halsworthy Feels" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Oblex" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"The Oblex of Irienwel" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"The Eldritch Manor: Meet Our Bard/Sorcerer" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"The Eldritch Manor: Meet Our Cleric" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"The Eldritch Manor: Meet Our Warlock" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"The Eldritch Manor: Meet Our Wizard" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"The Eldritch Manor: Meet Our Paladin" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"The Eldritch Manor: Dolly" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"The Eldritch Manor: Jantroph" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Red Cloaker" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"The Eldritch Manor: Akorase" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Jack_O'Mimic" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Danuza", medusa - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Ruglegare", illithid - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Lady Eldritch", fantasma - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Dragons in Dungeons" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Laserie", mezzelfo - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Ghosts of Molly's Past" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Tree Ghost", un fantasma vegetale… - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Mermaid Attack" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Molly meets Draele" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Meet Our Necromancer" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Meet Our Monk" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Meet our paladin" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Meet Our Tiefling" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Meet Our Cleric" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Meet Our Dungeon Mistress" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Raven Queen & Dolly" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Elder Lulhu - The Black Milk" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Elder Lulhu" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Elder Lulhu" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Mystra of Ceylara" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Chauntea" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Meet our Gods", Artemis, Tempus, Chauntea e Vhaeraun - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"-Gods of Ceylara part 1", Tempus e Vhaeraun - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Skeleton Ranger" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Molly", drow - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Jade Mountain Tree", tabaxi - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Anahel & Tempus" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Sarnai", tiefling - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Molly" la drow - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Anahel", aasimar - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Skaichar", tiefling - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Benarik", mezzelfo - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Flirt", tiefling - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Grace", tiefling - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Riann", dragonide - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Zuriel", aasimar - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Sorrow", tiefling - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Captain Lavant", mezzorco - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Lea", tiefling - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Avalei", mezzo sirenide - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Corselle Taleen Richardsblood", stirpesirenide - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Paele Pumpkin Palewater", halfling - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Jesse and Faye", tiefling e fae-demone - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Ernest Puddle", halfling - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Maggie Fireclaw" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Korinna the Elf Warlock" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Voltrin the Sorcerer" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Apollo", aarakocra - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Commission", elfo alto, elfo dei boschi, umano, tritone e aasimar - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Suo Kang" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Aozi", lucertoloide - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Rote", tiefling - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Aubrey and Desdemona", lupinide e tabaxi - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Groth & Margot", kenku e mezzelfa - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Anahel & Salazar" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Raavi", geasi del fuoco - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Evendur" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Vesca", halfling - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Twin Paradises" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"New Phandalyn" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"The Shadowfell Underdark" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Astral Castle" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Illithilich Queen Iymril" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Iymril's arrival to Ceylara" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

"Iymril the Necromancer" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes


"Iymril's Got This" - by Austin "Zal" Forbes

(IMPORTANTE! POLICY: Gran parte del testo è liberamente tratto e in parte adattato dalle fonti citate e comunque dalle pubblicazioni Dungeons & Dragons della TSR e della Wizards of the Coast, nonchè dalle traduzioni ufficiali della 25 Edition, oltre ad altre fonti come le pubblicazioni della PAIZO Publishing per Pathfinder, che mantengono i diritti, intellettuali e non, sull'ambientazione e i suoi elementi. Allo stesso modo tutte le immagini sono coperte da copyright e vengono presentate senza alcuno scopo di lucro, corredate di autore e proprietario, e pertanto non sono riproducibili o utilizzabili in nessun ambito commerciale.)

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